Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Meet Mariam

You've met Timothy. Now meet his little sister and competition in cuteness, Mariam.

When we first saw Mariam, her father had brought her and Timothy to the center from school. They needed to go home quickly and change their clothes, and then they said they'd come right back. But Mariam wasn't having it. She wanted to stay with us, not go change her clothes. Her dad walked away, Mariam in his arms crying like he just crushed her dreams.

So when they came back she was so excited! We said Timothy had lots of personality. So Mariam must take after him.

She is full of it! Always making us laugh.

We tried teaching her how to blow bubbles. She kept putting her mouth on the bubble wand. It was fun until she tasted it. She would scrunch up her nose and wipe the slime off her lips as fast as she could.

When she'd try to blow a bubble, she'd huff and puff until all the bubble juice went in my face.

My mom gave her some Smarties (her secret way of getting kids to love her forever - though I guess it's not so secret anymore). And Mariam disappears. A few minutes later she comes back with her little boyfriend in tow. His name is David. They have lots in common. They love popping bubbles and eating biscuits (also known as crackers) and they both love Smarties.

The name Mariam means bitter. But there is nothing bitter about this little girl. She's three feet of pure joy and sunshine!

- Aly

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