Sunday, June 19, 2011

So Blessed!

I'm feeling blessed today for so many reasons. We spoke at a church this morning. It was one we had never been to before. It was quite small, but over the years we have learned that so often people who attend the smallest churches have the biggest hearts. As we shared our hearts, our stories, and our ministry with these people, the Lord did something in their hearts. And today, three very needy children now have sponsors.

It is such a blessing to us to be the voice of these sweet children, and to see the difference that the Lord makes in their life through sponsorship. As my dad always says, our job becomes connecting needy children and families with people who have hearts that are willing to help.

Speaking of my dad...It's Father's Day. Click here for my post from last year about my own dad.

I'm so proud of both of my parents (since I didn't post anything for Mother's Day, I can stick my mom in here as well). My dad uses his vacation time for our trips to Uganda, and my mom spends her summer off from school preparing and going to Uganda. They are a shining example of what a servant's heart should look like.

So Happy Father's day to all you dad's out there!

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