Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Survivor: Airplane

Each year, our adventures have allowed us to see some pretty interesting places. We've breathed in the fresh air of Dubai (below), Belgium, the Netherlands, Ethiopia, and Rwanda.

We've taken in the sights of the mountains of Ethiopia (below) as well as the Alps.

And we've seen where the Mediterranean meets the Sahara Desert.

We've slept on floors

and seats for hours that both felt to zoom past and drag by at the same time.

We've had McDonalds in Amsterdam and Dunkin Donuts in Dubai.

We've watched more movies, listened to more soundtracks, and tried in vain to get comfortable more times than we can count. We've stolen each other's airplane pillows, blankets, and leg room any chance we've had. And in one week, we get to do it all again.

3 People. 3 Flights. 26 Hours of travel. 3 Weeks of ministry, and travel home.

We should be on Survivor.

- Aly

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