Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 1 - Trusting Enough to Step Into the Flood

In the book of Joshua, chapter 3, it tells the story of when God called the Israelites into the Promised Land. They had been wandering around in the desert for 40 years. Joshua's ancestors had many chances to go cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land, but fear of the unknown kept them from the life God called them to. The Jordan River stood as a barrier between where they were and the life God had in store for them. After Moses' death, Joshua became the leader of God's people and it was his responsibility to lead them across the Jordan.
The Bible mentions something special about the Jordan River. At the time God called His people to cross it, the river was at flood stage. The water was high and it was rushing quickly. And what does God tell them? To step into the river, carrying the Ark of the Covenant, while the river is still flowing and after they do that the river will dry up and the people can walk across.

God often wants us to take a step of faith, but He asks us to do so before He acts.

We don't work that way. We want to know God's going to provide for us, keep us safe, and make everything work out before we act. It's easier that way, but it's not the way faith works.
This trip has signified a Jordan River experience for me. God has asked me to step out in faith before I am fully healed. If I'm completely honest I can tell you right now that at times I'm more scared than I've ever been in my life. I know the risks. I know my sickness could get worse. I know the political situation there is rough right now. But God has said, "Before you are healed, before you know you'll be fine, before I make things safe and peaceful, I want you to go."

Has it been easy? No. Will it be easy? No. But I know that God is going with me. I know He will be there every step of the way. And I know that He has amazing things in store for me.

Even at my worst, when I've felt absolutely horrible and thought I should just stay home, God has revealed to me that He has amazing things in store for me if I just trust Him.

In fact, one day many months ago when I was still very sick I went to work out at an indoor pool. On my way home I was sitting in the passenger seat listening to the Newsboys and my mind wandered to Uganda. I thought, "How will I do it? I can barely make a 30 minute workout without taking a 3 hour nap." And it was right then that God whispered to me a verse from a passage He's used to bring me strength.

Didn't I tell you that you would see the glory of God if you just believe?

And He continues to say this to me now. I'm doing much better now than I was back then. But still that promise remains. I can't wait to see His glory revealed through this trip, and I can't wait to share it all with you.
We ask for your continued prayers as we are about to leave for the airport. Our flight leaves around 3:15 this afternoon and we should be in Uganda by tomorrow evening (afternoon NY time). Please pray for safe travel, peace in our hearts, and that we would be open to an opportunities that arise along the way. Pray for us as we head off to Kampala, which is hosting an African Union Summit this week, which will increase the risk for problems over there, and again that God will give us protection and peace.
Thank you all for walking this road with us. Thank you for your support, and most of all for your prayers. We feel them, and they make a difference.

- Aly

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